Change the way you look at things... ...and things you look at change!
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Happy Birthday

I am sitting here thinking. I know what you are thinking... that my thinking is something to think about.

Well a milestone approaches which inspires all this thought. A milestone that isn't metric with no u-turns allowed.

On April 1st it's my birthday. Please bring all rocking chairs to an upright position.

I have been looking back on my life... and... have decided to forgo kicking the bucket for a while longer.

Oh sure I find myself pleasantly surprised that I made it this far. Who would have known. I am grateful too for I've had one of a kind opportunities and life experiences. All unique to me... remember the time I was bitten by that black widow spider... remember when the car crashed... remember when I was bucked off my horse to land face first in the mud... yes remember all those times when I was given second chances.

All part of the journey that made up my life to date. I say to date because I'm not finished. There are more spiders (get out the spray), more cars and many more horses with my name on them and a few more things besides.

I've met people on this life journey, good and bad, who enhanced my life. People I've both loved and hated and who both loved and hated me. 

I've met many animals which gave me great joy and mountains of manure. I've met many places up close and personal, places I escaped from... or too.

I can only thank God, as I believe God to be, for the wonders of my life. I've done some deep thinking about spirituality, about what this life is all about and with this thinking (I used a lot of aspirin) I formed a belief that works for me. I don't ask anyone to believe as I do... yet... wait for the book to come out first.

I've let organized religion slowly fade from my life, learning the lessons from it that I was meant to learn but moving on. I deeply believe in God but as a universal entity, for us all in every form we take, whether our teachings are Judisim, Christianity, Muslim, Buddism, Hinduism or Born Again Holy Rollers. We are all members of this universal world. That is my belief... film at eleven.

This change in thinking guided me through the loss of two special men in my life. Each had something to contribute to who I am now and with the passing of each, this new philosphy eased my sense of loss.

I also look back on the other people who came and went throughout my life. Family, friends, co-workers... each giving me something special, even if that was only indigestion. Some merely passed through and some stayed. I am so humbled to have been given such love and friendship. Please don't send a bill.

I have been blessed with an unconventional life, given the opportunity to follow dreams and not be a product of conformity. I am blessed again with the new phase about to begin. I am entering a time of wonderful creativity with a new, incredible world opening before me. I'm so glad I have a credit card to pave the way!

I still find life exciting, filled with wonder at new things. I am sad too that we (referring to mankind) haven't taken care of this wonderful place and sadder still that there is nothing I can do to change this except with my small steps. Surely someone can invent a larger Swiffer to clean up the world's mess.

I have often wondered at what my grandmother (Gram) saw in her lifetime and even what my parents saw in theirs and wonder if they went through the same thought process as I am doing now. Were the kids of yesterday as bad as the kids of today? Was the music just as loud? Did they get up as many times in the night to use the bathroom?

All this has made me appreciate even more the little things that I see. Things like the array of color in the produce department at the grocery store or the way the sunlight reflects on the lake. Like the muffled softness of a snow storm or the sweet melody of a Robin's song. Things like the Rollback sales at Walmart. The more the world advances, the more I feel the simpler world around me.

I have always had special abilities to commune with the natural world (and I'm not even a nudist.) A special awareness of nature, of plants and especially animals. I have always had a connection with the world beyond what we see as reality. These are special gifts from the universe but seen only as burdens at first. It took time to learn their value and I guess if you think about it, all of XX years. Obviously I was gifted but not in the gifted class.

So why all this thought and at this moment? Am I regretting times which have passed or fearing times to come? I don't think so... I am simply looking a my life as if it were a book, thumbing through the different chapters, re-reading the story that is me and appreciating the fact that it is not science fiction.

I simply wanted to thank the universe for the blessing... of being me. 

I would also like to celebrate my birthday with all who have made my life what it is... thank you and happy birthday to all! Your gift is in the mail.


  1. Lynne Marie - I love your writing and your sense of humor and send you blessings in your life.

    Happy upcoming Birthday!!! Love, Katie

  2. Lynn, love your humor and your love of life. So glad to be your friend as you comfort me with your wonderful writings and being there for me. Looking forward to your birthday bash. Love Gail.
